Wednesday 19 December 2007

Soon christmas time

As usual it's been a long time since my last post, and as usual I intend to improve! The last couple of weeks have been extremelly bissy, but now its soon Christmas break! So the next couple of days are hopefully gonna be fun. Tomorrow it's the last leader meeting this term, and on thursday we end school! At the moment I don't have plans for thursday, oh sorry just saw that channel 5 are showing Magnus Betnérs stand up show "Ingenting är heligt"! He is one of my absolut favorite people, what a coinsidence!

On friday I have a driving lesson before working. Then after work I'm going to TGI Friday's for my 6th grade class reunion! Should be interesting, I haven't meet most of them for ages! 6th grade reunion, haha it makes me sound anchient! Well I#m working saturday too and then on sunday Anna is coming from NY!!!

She's been studying in the big apple at Columbia since September so as you may guess I can't wait too se her! I've missed her loads and it'll be great to have her here over Christmas and New Years!

I'll be getting back shortly to fill you in further on what I've been up to since my last depressing post.
Love Hannah