Thursday 7 February 2008

Home again

Today is my first day back in school since our class trip to Lithuania. We left on Friday and got back on Tuesday. Lucky for me the first and second years had a sports day yesterday so I managed to fit my risk driving in before coming back to school today. Which I can tell you wasn't easy! Need less to say we didn't slep much in lithuania and stupid as I am it hasn't really been prioritised since I got back either, resulting of course in me being mega tierd. So this morning I skiped my first lesson to get some extra sleep which was bad but it sure did fell good. I could easily have stayed in my warm bed all day. In the end I forced myself to get up and go school, were I didn't have social or philosophy so after reading some social studies papers I went out for lunch with Daniel and now I'm of to religion class. SO I can't fill you in on Lithuania quite yet but I'll be back.