Monday 31 March 2008

Uni update

Hi thought I'd let you all know how its going with all my uni stuff. For those of you that don't know I applied to:

BSc Management at St.Andrews
BSc Management at Warwick
BSc Management at Manchester
BSc Management and Leisure (M&L) at Manchester
BSc Event Management and festival studies at Napier, Edinburgh

I have now recived all my replies and I got conditional offers (that I expect to reach) from all but Warwick. Which I'm really pleased with, since I was not too keen on Warwick in the first place.

So during the last month or two I'v been thinking a great deal about where I want to be and what I want to do. I started of with rulling out Napier since it has a much lower ranking score and is an old polytech which I was not to keen on.

So its been between man uni and St.A and there are of course pros and cons with both of them. St. A has a better ranking score and I like the ide of a prestigus uni with old traditions. On the other hand it is very conservative and also a lot smaller. As a contrast man uni has more undergraduates than the whole town of St.A including the uni!In the end I decided that Manchester is the best choice for me, which just ment I had to choose which course I wanted.

After sitting down and seriously looking at the content of each course I decided to go for Management and Leisure. It has the same basic core structure as pure management but instead of accounting and quantative methods (which might not exactly be my favorites) it has psychology and sociology and a general focus on leisure within the other modules.

Now that I've made up my mind I've been bissy doing research on manchester and finding other people that either already attend man uni or are starting this autum. So far I've found several people on facebook that are taking the same course as me and spoken to loads of people that are going to manchester. Last week I found out that my good friend Calle has decided to put manchester as his firm too, which is great. Now I have someone to compare notes and be generally crazy with. He is going to be studying Physics and astrophsics, so he's been trying to enlighten me :)

Well now I'd better be off to do some studying so I acctually get in! Be back sooner :)

Tuesday 11 March 2008

De allt gulliga i Norrland :)

När handlingar talar högre än ord
Bussen mot Öjebyn, Piteå

Två jeanskillar ~18 sitter längst bak i bussen och pratar förtroligt.
Kille 1: Men du, är det inte dags att vi flyttar ihop?
Kille 2: Va? Nej! Fan! Det kan vi väl inte göra? … Varför det?
Kille 1: Jag tror fan jag älskar dig.
Det blir tyst en liten stund.
Kille 2 (försiktigt): Oj, jag vet inte vad jag ska säga. Nu tog du mig på sängen.
Kille 1 (litet finurligt): Favorit i repris från inatt då?
