Sunday 27 April 2008

Parties, babies and grade point averages

Another busy week has passed and what a week it has been!
Last weekend we were at camp which was wonderful but brief. It was a great time but also included some serious matters and thoughts. These kids may be 14 but sometimes they are so grow up its scary.

Monday was a tired day but me and Sofia still managed to scrape up enough energy to go to Elin's student skiva (graduation dinner after party), which had TV/Film as its theme. Sofia went as one of the pink ladies and looked fab while I went as "Grynet" a awful teen-talkshow host that I hate but managed pretty well impersonating. It ended up being a fun eve and I bumped in to quite a few unexpected people, among other Julie's ex and some friends from church.

Tuesday was an even more exhausted day but good as I am I only missed one class, the excruciatingly early 08:20 english class.

Kind as they are the higher powers had blessed us with having the wednesday off, and after a weekend at camp and monday nights partying this meant well need rest. After a calm afternoon with my sister I was off to our monthly youth leader meeting at church which was good but painful bringing to light some off the stress I've been feeling lately. But after a hug or two, and a night time stroll things felt a bit better.

School on thursday went by very quickly since our philosophy class was cancelled and that religion lesson was one of the best classes this year! We have had it as a project to "experience a religion", each member of the class has chosen a group or sect to visit and then we have to present our experience. This class was the first presentations and they were soo good! They have trully experienced the places they've visited and their accounts were really interesting and personal. I can't wait to hear some more! At 15 I had to run to make my meeting with Erica, who is our parish pedagog. We had on of our great chats and afterwards I felt a lot better. How could I not, the sun was shining and it was warm enough to only wear a t-shirt! So I strolled around a bit before phoning my friend Niclas and saving him from sitting inside working! We met at Nytorget a notorious SOFO spot that I grew up with and truly love. Niclas who bad and busy as he is had only eaten breakfast grabbed a pizza while I went for ice cream from Stockholm's best ice cream bar AH's. After eating our snacks on the green hill side of Vitabergspaken we strolled on before finding a great little playground with the best toy ever. However all this talking and walking had mad us hungry again so we went on a semi short detour pass McD's only to find it smack packed with 3 bus loads of school kids from Mullsjö! (Coincidentally where our parish pedagog is from. Not a very big place.) After grabbing some fries and laughing at these funny kids we took a trip round our local video store only to decide it was too late for a movie but that we had probably had more fun in the store than we would of at home. So after about 5 hours of crazy chatting we final called it a night and I went home to sort out my outfit for friday!

Friday was a very short day I only had one class which was a natural science lad where we played around testing our senses. After school Olle, David, Sassa and I rushed to finnish the last stuff for our skiva which was latter that night! As usual things take longer than you think but I managed to get home by 17ish so we were only 5 min late. The skiva was fantastic! Fist we had a welcome drink of champagne in the entrance hall before moving on into the beautiful ball room where we ate a lovely dinner. During the dinner several people held speeches among other Rizzo! Our dear teachers also held a few speeches. Niklas started of by holding the sweetest speech ever that almost made me cry saying that he'd never forget us! He was followed by Mr Olsson who was just as sweet and although admitted he probably won't remember us all said that as compensation we may call him Håkan, but not until after graduation! Mrs. Dinnétz reminded us again of the fact that we may be dying but we do still have time left and during that time we must stray from our paths, we may get back on them again but first we must sway! After numerous rounds of Lambo and a pathetic attempt at singing Studentsången we finished our desserts and moved on to Hard Rock, where the party continued. Having sold about 200 tickets to the after party we weren't short of people as we partied far into the early morning. It was such a fabulous night, it almost feels as if someone had sprinkled pixie dust over it all, Mias present, Mr Olssons question and the sun rising as I got home our memories that I hope stay with me forever!

Saturday was as one might have expected a pretty calm day, sleeping till two, calm stroll around Söder before curling up on the sofa and watching a film.

Today was also pretty calm Dad and Caro came round Mum's at 12 and picked us up so I could drive us out to Hellasgården for a nice family lunch and short walk. Before driving home we "went passed" Nacka and dropped Emma of at her boyfriend Viktors house. When we got home it was time to mess around with part two of this entries heading. I'm glad to let you know that Caroline is pregnant and expecting to give birth to our baby sibling on the 24th of september! So today we were looking at the video of the 2nd ultrasound scan which you can watch on their blog (click here). Everyone is really excited and I can't wait till its time to start buying loads of baby stuff. Sadly as those of you that are attentive and good at maths can tell us, I will move to manchester before the baby is born which is a shame I really wish I could be there but luckily we have long breaks so I'll be home for a month at christmas where I'll have to try to catch up a bit!

After a few hours of lounging around I took the bus in to town to pop past KU before it ended which was nice. Josef had a nice devotional and on the bus there and back I got a chance to read some more of The Kite Runner that I got from Caro for my birthday. It is really good and I love his style and the tone in his writing, its so touching. Also this evening I was messing aout and decided I should finally work out my GPA (grade point average). I've been meaning to do it for some time because I need at least 17.5 to get into Manchester, and although I'm confident I'll do well this term I wanted to know what the impact wold be if I missed a little here or there. The result surprised me, I worked out that if I got a G in german, an MVG in english and music and VGs in the rest I'd still get 17.59. Which is good enough to get in, so I guess I don't have to worry too much. I still intend to try and get as good marks as possible but t least now I know I don't have to kill myself bending over backwards.

Well if I'm going to try and get good marks I better get some good sleep first,
Good night, sleep tight,
Love Hannah

Wednesday 16 April 2008

The bad, the good and the restless.

From fights and diagreements to fun and dreams, this has truly been one crazy week. The bad bit are best left behind while the good ones can gladly be reported.

I'm currently trying to decide what uni accomodation to go for so that I can send in my application and let Calle know what to put in his. Also in the sprit of uni I've been talking (figurativly speeking) to a girl on facebook that lives in Bejing that is also going to be in my course.

Emma who for the unknowing is my soon 18year old sister, is also starting to look at unis for next year. In contrast to me shes more of a science girl and is currently looking at studying automotive engineering. She's been looking through all my old prospectuses and today we were checking up some off them on the web. At the moment shes toying with the idea of also going to Manchester but to Manchester Metropolitain University (MMU) which is right next door to Mannchester University. They even shares some facilities, such as libraries and sports halls.

Well thats all for now, the next stop for the carusel is camp this weekend that I've been looking forward to for weeks. Its hard to describe but there is something about camp that just makes you feel like the real world is far away and just can't get to you, and that is some I truly love. I'd also say that at the moment a real break is just what I need.

I'll be back with more news shortly, till then take care of yourselves.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Doggy style

Pavement by Kronobergs park,Stockholm.

World Freez Day in Stockholm

Check out the Freeze done in the Stockholm centeral station.
You can see Axel in it and with a keen eye you can also spot Björn!

Monday 31 March 2008

Uni update

Hi thought I'd let you all know how its going with all my uni stuff. For those of you that don't know I applied to:

BSc Management at St.Andrews
BSc Management at Warwick
BSc Management at Manchester
BSc Management and Leisure (M&L) at Manchester
BSc Event Management and festival studies at Napier, Edinburgh

I have now recived all my replies and I got conditional offers (that I expect to reach) from all but Warwick. Which I'm really pleased with, since I was not too keen on Warwick in the first place.

So during the last month or two I'v been thinking a great deal about where I want to be and what I want to do. I started of with rulling out Napier since it has a much lower ranking score and is an old polytech which I was not to keen on.

So its been between man uni and St.A and there are of course pros and cons with both of them. St. A has a better ranking score and I like the ide of a prestigus uni with old traditions. On the other hand it is very conservative and also a lot smaller. As a contrast man uni has more undergraduates than the whole town of St.A including the uni!In the end I decided that Manchester is the best choice for me, which just ment I had to choose which course I wanted.

After sitting down and seriously looking at the content of each course I decided to go for Management and Leisure. It has the same basic core structure as pure management but instead of accounting and quantative methods (which might not exactly be my favorites) it has psychology and sociology and a general focus on leisure within the other modules.

Now that I've made up my mind I've been bissy doing research on manchester and finding other people that either already attend man uni or are starting this autum. So far I've found several people on facebook that are taking the same course as me and spoken to loads of people that are going to manchester. Last week I found out that my good friend Calle has decided to put manchester as his firm too, which is great. Now I have someone to compare notes and be generally crazy with. He is going to be studying Physics and astrophsics, so he's been trying to enlighten me :)

Well now I'd better be off to do some studying so I acctually get in! Be back sooner :)

Tuesday 11 March 2008

De allt gulliga i Norrland :)

När handlingar talar högre än ord
Bussen mot Öjebyn, Piteå

Två jeanskillar ~18 sitter längst bak i bussen och pratar förtroligt.
Kille 1: Men du, är det inte dags att vi flyttar ihop?
Kille 2: Va? Nej! Fan! Det kan vi väl inte göra? … Varför det?
Kille 1: Jag tror fan jag älskar dig.
Det blir tyst en liten stund.
Kille 2 (försiktigt): Oj, jag vet inte vad jag ska säga. Nu tog du mig på sängen.
Kille 1 (litet finurligt): Favorit i repris från inatt då?


Thursday 7 February 2008

Home again

Today is my first day back in school since our class trip to Lithuania. We left on Friday and got back on Tuesday. Lucky for me the first and second years had a sports day yesterday so I managed to fit my risk driving in before coming back to school today. Which I can tell you wasn't easy! Need less to say we didn't slep much in lithuania and stupid as I am it hasn't really been prioritised since I got back either, resulting of course in me being mega tierd. So this morning I skiped my first lesson to get some extra sleep which was bad but it sure did fell good. I could easily have stayed in my warm bed all day. In the end I forced myself to get up and go school, were I didn't have social or philosophy so after reading some social studies papers I went out for lunch with Daniel and now I'm of to religion class. SO I can't fill you in on Lithuania quite yet but I'll be back.