Wednesday 16 April 2008

The bad, the good and the restless.

From fights and diagreements to fun and dreams, this has truly been one crazy week. The bad bit are best left behind while the good ones can gladly be reported.

I'm currently trying to decide what uni accomodation to go for so that I can send in my application and let Calle know what to put in his. Also in the sprit of uni I've been talking (figurativly speeking) to a girl on facebook that lives in Bejing that is also going to be in my course.

Emma who for the unknowing is my soon 18year old sister, is also starting to look at unis for next year. In contrast to me shes more of a science girl and is currently looking at studying automotive engineering. She's been looking through all my old prospectuses and today we were checking up some off them on the web. At the moment shes toying with the idea of also going to Manchester but to Manchester Metropolitain University (MMU) which is right next door to Mannchester University. They even shares some facilities, such as libraries and sports halls.

Well thats all for now, the next stop for the carusel is camp this weekend that I've been looking forward to for weeks. Its hard to describe but there is something about camp that just makes you feel like the real world is far away and just can't get to you, and that is some I truly love. I'd also say that at the moment a real break is just what I need.

I'll be back with more news shortly, till then take care of yourselves.

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