Thursday 4 January 2007



I've always loved them. They are just great. It's probably be the control freak part of my personality that loves them the most. The clear overview. The ticking off that gives such a great felling of achievement and satisfaction. I have some pretty crap lists in my old blog so now I'm gonna start with some good, bad, weird, odd etc. ones here. I'll start with an old favorite;

10 Things I look forward to:
  • Riding horses in Mariestad this weekend (hopefully)
  • Meeting Rizzo on Sunday
  • Ice skating with the gang on Monday
  • Turning 18 in 59 days!
  • Getting my drivers licence
  • Getting texts
  • Tillan coming home from the UK
  • Going to Lithuania this summer with the girls
  • My phone account to kick-in so my texts stop costing me a fortune
  • The day my sister stops nagging me about the computer
Back soon

Holiday Spirits

Hi party people,
What better time to get back into the hang of blogging than the Xmas holidays. Its been good but a little lonely, I've missed my darling friends who have been away. On Xmas I was on Gotland with my mum and sister Emma to visit my grandparents. Then I was just home chillin' and watching SATC with my from Emma acquired cold.

New years was a weird but hilarious evening. I can tell you that the fireworks in Rissne where pretty extreme and Johns champagne cork popping was some of the best I've seen!

Now I'm messing around with the radio on my new mobile phone. A black flip Samsung not wonderful but better than my last one and it was cheep. But I should be packing 'cause we are going to Mariestad to visit my mum's boyfriends family tomorrow and she's gonna pick us up after dinner. But I hope its gonna be a fun weekend Daniels mum is really nice and hopefully we can have a go riding the horses.

Then on Sunday I'll hopefully be meeting Rizzo. I'll write more soon.