Thursday 24 May 2007

Oslo #2

People always say that you get to know people on a different level when you travel and live with them. Our trip to Norway tough us that this was very true, in more ways than we could imagine!

Here's some of the stuff we learnt:
      • Lompeslap
      • Hannah is always on top
      • We like rocks
      • Christian loves trains (and Jonathan)
      • Sharing all is mostly good
      • Don't talk about the sheets (some of us haven't quite learnt this one)
      • Apple pie is best served in a thermos
      • TIDEN GÅR
      • "Sugar Rush" is the wrong rush
      • Anyplace can feel like home if you've had enough to drink
      • Två säten räcker långt
      • Braces are dangerous

We also have some quotes:
        • "There's a time for fuck fuck, but now is not the time"
        • "De händer bara i 25% av fallen!"
        • "In this case that's a good thing"

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