Tuesday 29 January 2008

First Uni Offer

I promised a new post and here goes.
Spoke to my sister the other day when she was in London seeing our aunt Zoe and staying with uncle Mike! She seemed to have had a great weekend in London and to, in general, be enjoying the UK a lot! While on the topic of the UK, I just got my first reply from UCAS. Manchester has offered me a conditional spot studying Management! I still think I'd prefer going to Les Roches ( a hospitality management school in Switzerland for those not following) but Manchester is my first hand choice in the UK. The offer is conditional but I think I already have the grades they are asking for! So now I don't have to worry too much, at least my back up is safe!

Today we had the day off so I went into town and got the results for my TBC test,I'm negative. I also bought some new dance clothes, which was fun. My friend Anna and I have just started dancing ballet! We had our 3rd lesson today and I'm truly enjoying it!

Tomorrow we have a half day so I'm going to finish my history essay and go driving with mum. And on friday it's off to Lithuania! Two girls in my class are organising this combined history and class trip as their project work! So on Friday 20 of us are flying to Riga and taking a buss from there to Vilnius! It's a really fun bunch of people that are going so I think it'll be great!

Now I better get off to bed! Goodnight

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