Thursday 31 January 2008

Not Much School lately...

And less to come!

Today I over sleept since my stupid mobil keeps droping its batteri it had the wrong time and my alarm didn't go off!
So at the moo I'm home trying to start my history paper on the IRA so I can had it in today! It feels like I'v not been in school that much lately. Partialy this is due to that we've had a bunch of study or half days and at the moo I don't have any swedish lessons, but I've also been missing the odd lesson here and there which kinda sucks. I should really make more off an effort!
But as I said I'll have even less school in the coming period. Tomorrow we are going to Lithuania and won't be back till on tuesday afternoon so thats 3 days we miss and then we're off on the wednesday! So next week I only have 2 days off school and fridays are really short in themselves, and this week we had 2 1/2 days but I'm missing half of today so only 2 for me!
It's crazy.

Dad sent me and email yesterday from Vietnam so now atleast I don't have to woory about them being dead. They are having a great time ofcourse but I don't think its too much to ask for that they send a text now and then to let me know they are alive.

Well, anyhow yesterday I had another driving lesson. I passed my theory test last thursday and I've booked to do the risk driving on wednesday, so yesterday we booked my driving test for the 26th of Feb which is great! I just really hope I pass first time around because I can't be asked to spend more money on all this! Well fingers crossed hopefully I'll be fine!

Well I really must get back to my essay!
See you soon!

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