Monday 16 April 2007

University Fair

Promised to keep you posted on my uni application etc.

Today a delegation from 10 uk universities came to visit our school as part of a 10 cities in 10 days tour they where doing. First they introduced them selves and had a 1h information lecture in our auditorium on :
  • why we should chose to study in the UK
  • costs of studying in the UK
  • life as a student
  • how to apply
Then was the actual fair bit where we could go around to different class rooms and talk to the uni reps. There was reps from:
  • Bristol
  • Bradford
  • Royal Holloway
  • City
  • Plymouth
  • Essex
  • Leicester
  • Reading
  • Edinburgh
  • Southampton
  • Warwick
  • Sheffield
  • Hertfordshire
So now I've spoken to all of them, collected their prospectuses and signed the "please send me info" slips. I'll get back to you on if they where any good as soon as I've read them all. They are all at least 150 pages (no very Eco friendly).

Over and out!

Sunday 15 April 2007

Back in Sweden!

Back home now after quite a few hours traveling! It makes me feel very much part of "the new generation" when I realise i don't mind a bit to fly on my own but taking a train totally stresses me out!
Well its pretty late and I need to wrap some gifts so I better get going. Talk to you soon!

Thursday 5 April 2007

Off to the UK

Tomorrow I'm off to the UK for a great 9 days of fun and family. As well as catching up with all the relations, I'm going to visit my friend Tillan who went to my class last year and is currently studying outside Nottingham. Should be way fun! So today and tomorrow morning I have a few things to do:
  • check how my phone works in the UK
  • make a packing list
  • put out all my stuff
  • go to mum's and collect any stuff that is missing
  • buy something for Tillans family (could be done in UK)
  • go to the bank
  • apply for a summer job through Landstinget
  • check etc. for summer jobs
  • call Julie
  • call Rizzo
  • sigh up for a camping trip thingy
  • buy a gift for Anna
  • plan outfit for Anna's party
  • remember Anna's necklace
So as you can see I've got quite a bit to do. But it should be fine I have ~5 hours today and tomorrow I don't have to leave till 13:00. Well I'd better get going, there is no time to waste!

Tuesday 3 April 2007

Bad Blogger

Lately I have been an exceptionally bad blogger, but hopefully (as always) that will get better. First for a quick update since last time I wrote the following has happened: I've turned 18! Which is great! On my actual birthday I went out for dinner with my family, and opened lots of cards from the family. My friend celebrated Theo, Olle and I at our joint birthday party on St. Patrick Day. It was great fun we where at my dad's place and Rizzo had baked some very impressive birthday cakes! (some pics may turn up soon)

Apart from that I've been voted onto the student council board as deputy member. Where I'll be co-responsible for information. Which is great its something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

I've also stared to look more seriously at universities, and actually found something I think I want to study. I'll try to keep you posted on what I'm thinking. At the moment I'm going for international management or international business management.

Lots of Love Hannah