Thursday 5 April 2007

Off to the UK

Tomorrow I'm off to the UK for a great 9 days of fun and family. As well as catching up with all the relations, I'm going to visit my friend Tillan who went to my class last year and is currently studying outside Nottingham. Should be way fun! So today and tomorrow morning I have a few things to do:
  • check how my phone works in the UK
  • make a packing list
  • put out all my stuff
  • go to mum's and collect any stuff that is missing
  • buy something for Tillans family (could be done in UK)
  • go to the bank
  • apply for a summer job through Landstinget
  • check etc. for summer jobs
  • call Julie
  • call Rizzo
  • sigh up for a camping trip thingy
  • buy a gift for Anna
  • plan outfit for Anna's party
  • remember Anna's necklace
So as you can see I've got quite a bit to do. But it should be fine I have ~5 hours today and tomorrow I don't have to leave till 13:00. Well I'd better get going, there is no time to waste!

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