Tuesday 3 April 2007

Bad Blogger

Lately I have been an exceptionally bad blogger, but hopefully (as always) that will get better. First for a quick update since last time I wrote the following has happened: I've turned 18! Which is great! On my actual birthday I went out for dinner with my family, and opened lots of cards from the family. My friend celebrated Theo, Olle and I at our joint birthday party on St. Patrick Day. It was great fun we where at my dad's place and Rizzo had baked some very impressive birthday cakes! (some pics may turn up soon)

Apart from that I've been voted onto the student council board as deputy member. Where I'll be co-responsible for information. Which is great its something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

I've also stared to look more seriously at universities, and actually found something I think I want to study. I'll try to keep you posted on what I'm thinking. At the moment I'm going for international management or international business management.

Lots of Love Hannah

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