Wednesday 7 February 2007

The lists are back

Before bed I just realized it was due time for some lists!

Ten Fun Facts about me:

I'm 18 in 27 days!
I've been in a drama group for 10 years.
I've done football, judo, riding, free diving, Isadora Duncan (a form of free styled ballet), jazz/show dance, street funk, and cheer leading.
I'm 5ft 4in tall and have size 5½ in UK shoe sizes.
I can speak about 15 words of Greek
I'm 1/4 Gotläning
I've made ice cream with liquid hydrogen (i think it was hydrogen can't quite remember)
I grew up watching F1 and know way to much about it.
I have 15 candles in my room
I'm a pieces

Ten favorites right now:

Fave drink: Brämhults apelsin juice
Fave film: The Holiday
Fave song: Paradise City
Fave colour: Red
Fave time: In bed
Fave ice cream: Mövenpicks Maple Walnuts
Fave TV show: House
Fave lesson: Social Studies
Fave top: Deep blue tennis shirt
Fave food: My chocolate cereal

Ten dreams:

Drive a F1 car
Sky dive
Stage dive
Own a Ford GT 40
Win a lifetime supply of B&J ice cream
Be knighted by the Queen
Own 3 homes
Be royal
Learn to go to bed on time
Become a billionaire

Back soon in an Internet window near you!

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