Tuesday 6 February 2007

An new view

Today has in some aspects been a hard, emotional yet interesting day.

I've been feeling a bit blue the last couple of days, just one of those periods. I've had worse and I know it will pass but I can also see that the worst is still to come which is a pain but all the same it'll pass. However this morning I snapped at Rizzo. And you may be wondering (omg i sound like Nedim) why I'm making a big deal out of this. And the truth is it really isn't, i didn't raise my voice , i didn't make a scene and we didn't stop talking.
The big deal is that I've put up this long and I didn't even really get angry, that I've increased and improved my level of patience and self control. That I've learnt to look at things in a different way. I have a different kind of peace in my heart now that I just never had before and that is very exciting.

Now it's late and I really need to sleep but I'll be back tomorrow with more news from sthlm.

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